Monday, May 28, 2012


<p>I Finally came across my old Xanga page,&nbsp; but of course,&nbsp; I cannot for the life of me remeber my log in anymore. But the link is here

<p>So, I've recently watched 500 Days Of Summer.First off, let me tell you that it's my second favorite movie of all time...after Where The Wild Things Are of course. =] But's funny, for those who've seen this movie will probably understand this.And if i give away the ending, i don't care.I propose a question. What if we were all like Summer?What if we all did what we want, never really taking things seriously, though afraid of all those things we knew about when we were little and believed in so strongly but watched fall apart through our parents?What if we tried to never really get emotionally attached?But one day become someone completely opposite of what we were?I purpose another question.What if Tom was right at the end.What if there weren't any miracles only coincidences?There was no fate or destiny, only chance?I mean....what would the world be like...if we all believed in that instead...instead of these mixed believes between fate and by chance?And what if no one is really ever truly happy with the person they're with?......what if no one, not one single soul, could make another person completely happy? That we just accept the fact that that's just as happy as we'll ever get with being with another person? And that if you truly think that this one person is the best thing to ever happen to you and you're completely devoted to them....that that would make you completely full of shit?Lonleyness would be true happinessMarriage would be lying to yourself.Is it human nature to find that one perfect someone?Or is it unconscious boredom with life?And honestly, what is love?How do you know it's there?You can't see it, but do you really feel it?Or do you just feel those random impulses of god knows what whenever you're with that person? Or is it your mind playing a trick on you?Lust. Lust i understand, it's a feeling. Your body feels it. Guys get hard, girls get wet. The mind wonders with wonderful sexual fantasies.But love. Love I don't quite understand. I love you. It has such great meaning to people, but to me, I don't think it ever did. Love for me is similar to the word Like.&#160;Except a little extra. Timothy Adam Tayson, I love you. I truly do. I honestly don't think you can compare to any other male out there.....would that be love? I don't know. Love is like this fabricated lie made up by people who couldn't quite explain their emotions. Love, the definition will forever change.So I don't get it.What's our purpose?What's the goal we're trying to reach as we grow old?Wealth? Success? Companionship? That person to grow old with? or all of the above?I can say this, 500 Days Of Summer made me want answers to questions I know I'll never find answers to. And for some reason, I'm okay with that.Maybe everything is better off unsaid?</p>

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